Follo allows users to import multiple deliveries directly into the application using an excel template. To import the deliveries, please follow the steps below:


  1. Setup Companies
  2. Setup Definable Features of Work (DFOW)
  3. Setup Equipment
  4. Setup Gates

How to import deliveries list using excel spreadsheet

Step 1: Go to the delivery requests menu and click on "Import Multiple"

Step 2: Download the excel template to your computer

Step 3: Input the delivery data into the excel template

Please note that the delivery description, delivery date, from time & to time are mandatory fields to successfully import the data. 

Step 4: Import the excel template into the platform

Step 5: Once imported, the newly added deliveries will be added under the "Queued Delivery Requests" tab. You'll need to add missing information to all deliveries in order to add them to the project calendar.